Employee Productivity

Employee Productivity at a COUPLE of GURUS

How often have you asked yourself these questions or made these statements?

  • We want to trust our employees when it comes to believing that they are working during their scheduled time. I think that their work is getting done because they are meeting deadlines.
  • Are my employees working to much?
  • Is there a healthy work life balance when my employees are working from home?
  • When do I make my next hire based on the current workload of my staff?

We have been getting more and more questions from our clients on how to track their employee efficiency. The question sometimes comes out of concern that employees are not as productive at home, and sometimes the question comes out of concern that employees are logging in at the start of the day and not taking a break until the end of the day which is leading to fatigue and burn out. No matter what the reason behind your request is to have this information, we can help.

There are solutions available to help you get the data you need on your employees to aid in making well informed decisions for your business.

If you are interested in learning more about solutions that are available, reach out to us and we can schedule a 1:1 to discuss this topic further.